The sims 3 registration code origin expansion pack
The sims 3 registration code origin expansion pack

  • Click the + icon beside Redeem a code, then type your code into the boxes.
  • Click on Store, then on My Store Account.
  • Your code should be 20 digits long, if it’s 16 digits, then it’s for bonus content and you need to redeem that in a different place:.
  • Type your code into the box and click the Register button.
  • When your account is created, log in to it.
  • If you don’t already have an account, click Create an account and follow the instructions on-screen to register.
  • If you already have an EA Account, click Login and log in to your account.
  • For any Worlds or additional downloadable items, use. The Sims 3 base game, Expansion Packs and Stuff Packs need to be redeemed on Origin. You’ll need to register these on The Sims 3 website, or redeem your codes for them in Origin.

    the sims 3 registration code origin expansion pack

    I bought a disc copy of The Sims 3, or a The Sims 3 expansion or stuff pack on disc

  • When you do this, make sure you use the same account email you use for Origin so everything is added to the same account.
  • the sims 3 registration code origin expansion pack

  • You still need to visit to buy and download Worlds or to redeem any bonus codes you have.
  • You don’t need to follow the steps below if you bought The Sims 3, your expansion(s), or your stuff pack(s) through Origin – anything you buy on Origin is automatically added to your account.
  • Find out how to redeem your game code, download and install The Sims 3, its expansions, stuff packs and worlds.

    The sims 3 registration code origin expansion pack